Thursday 30 May 2013

From within: 5 Questions with Amanda

You were literally born in to a world where it was all things organic.  Did this set you apart from your peers while you were at school (before it became "hip" to be organic that is)

I was born on the market!  Well, not literally but I do know some amazing stall holders who remember me as a baby.  Edith (who sells the Goat's Milk Soap) still loves to tease me about how she changed my nappies!

In primary school teachers used to ask my mum why I was different from the other kids.  They would ask why I never got sick or had snot running down my face like my friends. (no photo required here we think!)

The answer: Organic Food.  At least that's the only thing we could figure out that was giving me a much stronger immune system.  Growing up, I went to the markets every weekend and as I got in to the upper years at high school I started to notice "indies" & "hipsters" shopping organic at the markets, which really made me laugh.

Organic food has always been normal for me and wasn't something I considered "cool", it was my world.  Guess it's become others world now!

If you were given a blind taste-test, how easily you identify organic vs commercially grown produce?

If you gave me a blind taste-test between organically grown vs conventionally grown fruit or veg (especially tomatoes and apples), I can identify which is which.

Call me crazy but I can taste pesticides on conventional food.  More than that, organic produce just tastes so much better.  More flavour, better smell....I consider the dots (as in not smooth and silky when mass produced) on my apples an indicator to their organic-ness

What is your all time favourite number one meal made entirely from organic or free range produce bought from the markets?

My favourite meal made from organic produce.....I can't choose!  I love everything.  I think the best thing part about organic is that you know the food is fresh & tasty, so a simple meal is as goo as something deemed "gourmet".

Give me a steak and salad made with arugula, fetta cheese, balsamic vinegar and olive oil ANY night of the week 

What makes each market unique from your perspective?

The markets all have a different feel.

Frenchs Forest feels like home.  It's our oldest market and I have the most memories from being there.  I love that it's on the Northern Beaches, so it's close to home and it's the best place to go for that hang-over cure (egg & bacon roll & a coffee OR a healthy smoothie)

I get blown away every time I go to Marrickville or Leichhardt.  Marrickville is so alternate & set in amongst a canopy of trees giving it a really cool atmosphere.

I remember when Leichhardt had only 3 stalls (for about 5 years) and now it's packed to bursting point!

Kings Cross is in total contrast.  The Cross is known for clubs the accompanying "entertainment" needs, but on a Saturday morning it magically transforms in to a oasis-like community

I guess that's what I love about the markets: the sense of village-green community-like atmosphere they bring!

I feel that we are losing so much in this age of technology: social media networking, big brands and on-line shopping, it's just nice to be gadget free even if only for a few hours.

My favourite market at the moment has to be Riverside at Gladesville.

My boyfriend Jared and I have been working there occasionally both as Managers and selling free range eggs.

I have to get up before the dawn but it's SO worth it.  It's a great little market which is still growing but the regulars are an absolute delight to chat with and the stallie-community is fantastic.

(hint: get there and check it out!)

There are so many other markets: each great in their own way!  Reckon people need to discover them and once done, they too will be devotees.

Now that organic & sustainable living is in the forefront of most people's minds, to those who haven't yet "seen the light", what 5 words would you use to get the message out?


To elaborate: people will spend money on items that are not particularly good for their well-being (eg: carbonated sugar packed drinks, alcohol, energy drinks etc).  Not saying that you shouldn't buy these things as really life is about our right to choose.  

I'm merely suggesting that should take time out to take stock of our physical needs and make it a priority rather than on the back burner.

People always moan (well most of the time) organic produce is too expensive.  True perhaps BUT you only get out what you put in.  If you can fork out cash for rubbish then why not fork out a bit more "to do something good for yourself".


Taken from the Organic Food Market's Baby (literally!).  Think there is something in this for all of us and a HUGE shout out to Amanda for sharing some of her thoughts on organic food and lifestyle

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Welcome to the OFM world of Blog!

What can we say?  We are here!  We've arrived!

For our first blog we would like to thank absolutely every facebook liker, every tweet follower, every instagram'er, every  pinterest'er and google+'er who have joined us in our love of all things Organic!

We have set up a page for per market and each week we will be covering a range of topics ranging from 5 questions with stallholders through to some incredibly interesting interactions with our "liker's".

So far, as you may have already noticed we kicked off beautifully last weekend with Rouse Hill, Frenchs Forest & Orange Grove Markets so stay tuned for more launches in the coming days.

For anyone who hasn't heard about were to find us:

Our Twitter ID is:
Our Pinterest ID:

 Don't forget to # (hash tag) which market you are twitpic'ing or instagram'ing or tweeting, and while you're at it, why not share it to the facebook page as well!

Interested in becoming a trader? where you can register under the "Trader" section

We have STACKS of exciting events coming up and quite a few interesting pieces about our history, goings on, hints on what's in season, a recipe or two and you just may be invited to be part of an interview on a specific market!

So we welcome you to our blog and hope you will enjoy the ride (and subscribe!)