Saturday 30 November 2013

Lisa Brown talks MS, One Tiny Bite and her Soldiers

Having recently interviewed Lizzee McLaughlin (which if you haven't already, you can read "here"), we wanted to have a chat with the woman behind the movement known as One Tiny Bite.

Here is Lisa's story.

Love the name of not just your blog but your way of life.  Can you give us a bit of an overview as to how you came to writing initially, and more especially your unique title

Back in 2011, I was encouraged by the head of a well known publishing house that it would be best if I self-publish my very unique story (as I was an "unknown").  After a long review with my friend Sue about how to direct my dreams, I dried my eyes, wiped my nose on my sleeve and got busy with finding ways to make them possible!

Sue was instrumental in helping me wrap a website and a blog around my book "One Tiny Bite At A Time".  I put my trainer wheels and wobbled my way through my first words online.

With zero punctuation and very few full stops, I managed to punch out some worthy paragraphs that made their way home:  

These words gathered momentum and now they live in a community of ever-growing, healthy, energetic words - all promoting ways of living your best life!

As a person who is living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), was changing to an organic way of life a conscious decision or has it always been part of your every day life

I was not entirely unhealthy prior to my diagnosis with MS in 2005, but there was certainly room for improvement!  I am happy to say that my family was always big on fresh fruit and vegetables.

My mother was the one and only person in the street, suburb and maybe even in Australia to make the non-negotiable switch from white bread to brown bread. 

However after I was diagnosed, I began my serious commitment to purchasing organic produce/products.  It was a little difficult at first because I had to travel far and wide to hunt down every product and food item which I was replacing my old ones with.

Lisa's Green Omelette (you can get more inspirational recipes "here")

Also, back then, organic was not as readily available, price comparative, nor did it offer as much variety as it does now.  However, I was determined not to harm my body any further, so I happily dedicated much time, effort and money to this new lifestyle.  

I credit a combination of organic foods and holistic medicine to turning my health around.  Today almost ALL of my MS symptoms are absent!  In fact, my tests show that my physical and immune health are near immaculate.  My standard of living and quality of life is very high!  Now, with the help of the One Tiny Bite Soldiers, I continue to share my success.

In a relatively short amount of time you have built up quite a following, which in turn encourages others to not only become enlightened about your own personal journey, but your unique ability to "put it out there" in a non-confronting way.  How has this response been for you on both a personal and professional level

I'm so excited about the buzz One Tiny Bite is creating and the genuine interest from all our followers.  Being a part of something that has the strength and support of hundreds of people is such an incredible feeling!

I've never felt more free, liberated, expansive, open, real, authentic, grounded and aligned in all my life!  I am thrilled that the philosophy of One Tiny Bite is reaching those who are seeking to make positive changes (either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - they are all interconnected to maintain health).  I'm really exciting about watching this "being well, hug and tell" website grow!

Now down to some fun stuff.  We know you love Frenchs Forest Markets.  When did you first venture forth and discover the joys of the Northern Beaches most favourite Sunday market and was it a delightfully "accidental tourist" experience or had one of your Soldier's reported back to you about it

I was introduced to Frenchs Forest Markets quite some time ago by my conscientious and energetic cousin, Di.  She absolutely insisted that I come with her to the Sunday Organic Markets whenever I was in Sydney and so I did, every time!

The last time (I went) was when I was in town for One Tiny Bite business and I was accompanied by one of our young Soldier's Lizzee.

We were staying Manly - right near my fave organic cafe (Pure).  Manly is such a convenient place to be positioned.  We were a stone's throw from the beach, the ferry to get to the city and best of all, a quick bus ride to Frenchs Forest Markets!

I HAD to take Lizzee to experience a perfect Sunday at the markets.  I decided to invite (well kind of insisted) our Sydney based One Tiny Bite Soldiers to me us there for an organic coffee, a green smoothie and a group hug!

We thoroughly enjoyed our day exploring all that was on offer.  We are looking forward to our next visit!  We can't get enough!

How would you sum up the life of Lisa Brown in 5 words

Walking towards my best self!

Couldn't have put it better if we tried!  A massive thank you to Lisa for not only sharing her time with us, but also some insight in to the world of the One Tiny Bite world which you can read more about "here" and/or her Facebook page "here".

A truly inspirational person and we look forward to seeing her at Frenchs Forest Markets sooner rather than later!