Monday 12 August 2013

Our Markets from a different perspective

A blog with a difference so this is....we thought we'd spend some time with one of our Manager's and get some insight as to how market life is for for them and how being part of an Organic Market community impacts on their lifestyle.

While it appears on the surface to run smoothly and cleanly, it's definitely not easy work. Bundles of logistics are involved starting at the office with the brilliant OFM'ers who not only take bookings, but make sure everything needed is how it should be leading up to market day for our 10 locations.  

This information is then is filtered through to on site managers seen adorning fluro's (at an extremely early hour), having walkie talkie's in hand, coordinating set up whilst ensuring all boxes are ticked and stallies are set up properly prior to the "official" start where all our fantastic shoppers turn up whatever the weather may bring.

At end of day managers then must oversee packdown, safe exit by the public and the traders, being ever mindful of OH&S requirements being adhered to throughout the day, finally to home where they complete administrative duties and put feet up for a well earned rest.

So here's our 5 questions with one of our Marrickville Market Managers Kat!

How did you first become involved with Organic Food Markets:  Was it initially as a punter or was it head first as  Manager

I actually started as a stallholder!  When a Manager's spot came up I put my hand up.

stallie Kat

Rain, hail or shine managers must be there as well as stallies and die hard shoppers. What is one of the more intricate parts of maintaining the balance when having to set up in not-so-user-friendly-weather

Probably the hardest part is moving stallholders to dry land but keeping them visible enough for the shoppers.  So if you can't see 'em look for higher ground!

What has been one of the highs since being part of Marrickville Market Central

My partners, Sarah, has Multiple Sclerosis.  Dealing with a degenerative illness and being a Carer has some highs and a lot of low points.  We've received a lot of support from MS Australia and we wanted to give something back, and I decided to do the MS Walk and decided to do the MS Run (both held on the same day!)

As part of our fundraising we ran raffles at both Marrickville and Orange Grove Markets. Sarah approached the stallholders at both markets for donations we could raffle off and the response was overwhelming: over $600 worth of prizes was donated.

Having what is often an invisible illness is hard.  Sarah often uses a mobility scooter for long trips but can also walk short distances.  Many people assume she is lazy and often tell her so.  You can't see fatigue or chronic pain but both are incredibly debilitating.

To have stallies not just open their hearts but their wallets to show us support was overwhelming and unexpected.  It still makes me well up thinking about it - definitely a my high point.

Incidentally, Sarah's Scoundrels (our team for the MS Walk and Run) raised over $3,600 for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Since being involved with "organic", has it now become a way of life at home (whether it be by food, lifestyle etc)

Definitely!  Our bin is never full as we have very little packaging from market products. We often run out of room in our fridge from all the amazing produce and goodies we bring home and we now have two compost bins and a worm farm to deal with our biggest waste : organic matter!

We visit one of the big supermarket chains about once a fortnight to get toilet paper but everything else comes from the markets.

Our carbon footprint is smaller, our produce is fresher and we know exactly how it was grown.  Our breads and sweet treats are nicer and a large percentage of our cupboards is fair trade: increasing our commitment to social justice and helping farmers get a fair go and a fair price...not just here but overseas too.

What 5 words would you use to describe a typical Marrickville Market Manager's Sunday

Hectic, fun, frustrating, community, family


And we thank Kat for sharing a bit of insight as to an Organic Food Markets Manager's Life and a little bit of personal stuff as well!  And we would be remiss NOT to acknowledge the support of all the stallies for the MS Fundraising whether by donation of prize or is a testament as to how much of a family we really are!

even Manager's need to have a meal break!

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