Saturday 17 August 2013

Sharing some Frenchs Forest Market love with Allie

It's always nice when we find people who have taken the time to share their love of one of our markets whether it be by blog or within the stgram land and we figured, just for a change, why not share a bit of Frenchs Forest Market love...cause in case you hadn't heard it is THE place to be on a Northern Beaches Sunday!

How long have you been a shopper at Frenchs Forest and how did first discover this Sunday wonder

As a new resident to Sydney after recently moving from Brisbane, I am only a new shopper at Frenchs Forest Market.

I was very keen to find a local produce market and a friend of mine recommended them to me so I just had to see for myself how good they really were.

Sundays are now even more enjoyable as I only live a 10 minute drive from them.

Is it a group of solo expedition

Whilst I have only just started attending the markets, I mostly like to go on my own.  I find this is a great time to soak up some sunshine and spend as much tim as I want at each stall.

I often have family coming down from Brisbane and taking them to these markets turns into a really lovely family outing as we can grab a big fresh breakfast and great coffee.

What is your all time number one, can't possibly last a week without must purchase item every market and why

That's a very tough question!  I generally purchase the same items every week as I try to create different meals using the same ingredients, but it's good to change it up time to time.

At the moment however, I would say I couldn't possibly leave the markets without a massive bunch of kale.

My favourite thing to make at the moment is kale chips and it's also a perfect addition to making green smoothies.

Do you have a favourite recipe cooked with produce from the markets that you can share with us

I have many!  I really enjoy cooking with the fresh produce each week, making savoury meals or naturally sweet treats.  After market last Sunday I came home and made a sticky-date pudding: all natural and no sugar, gluten free and very tasty!

You'll have to check out the recipe on my blog for the full procedure (check Allie's blog "here").

What is it about these markets that can not only make it special as a somewhere to shop, but a place to hang, chill and enjoy the moment

Well of course the produce is always great.  The meat selection is second to none.  It's a really great way to just enjoy a Sunday.

There is such a diverse range in foods to eat; have your breakfast made and take some time to enjoy sitting and catching up with friends (or in my case family).  There's always something new to try each week, with a fresh beautiful bunch of flowers just waiting to be brought home.


On that spectacularly high note we say THANK YOU ALLIE!  So as she said (and if you missed it you can check out what Allie creates with the fresh produce bought "here") there is always something new to try each week so go on.....get in there and have a go! 

You never know, we might just ask YOU to share some of your love with us too!

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