Thursday 19 September 2013

Superfoods....a beginner's guide

Many of you may have noticed an ever increasing trend towards Superfoods.....whether it be Goji Berries, Green Smoothies (which are packed full with Kale and other amazing goodies), herbs you can grow at home

or even a humble piece of broccoli.

But what exactly are these foods and what makes them super?

Fortunately we have quite a few stallholders at each of our markets who specialise in this movement and for those who may have heard but not fully understand how these foods work and the impact they can have to keep us healthy, we figured it was time to get some user-friendly information from one of our most popular stallies at Frenchs Forest Market: Superfeast.

Can you explain to us exactly what superfoods are and what role they play in our overall wellbeing

The word "Superfoods" simply describes those foods which contain at least 12 unique health benefits.  In our global ecosystem of foods, they are those which are nutrient dense and contain the most healing benefits to the body due to them also containing medicinal qualities.

For those who may be a little unsure as to where to start, what recommendations would you give and why

This step of adding in superfoods to the diet is going to be different for everyone. These foods are here to be used as tools and allies in helping us to obtain health and life goals, therefore, allowing yourself to be attracted to superfoods which appeal to you and inspire you most will always take you down a great great track.

However, the most fun way to get started is to create a cacao (raw chocolate) smoothie and add superfoods such as maca, goji berries or chlorella into that.

Another increasing (and quite delicious) movement is that of raw food.  Can you explain what raw foods are, their benefits and why we should try to incorporate some in to our daily food intake

Raw foods create the foundation of our diet in this emerging culture of health.  They are foods that have not been heated over 45 degrees, ensuring that the enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins have not been destroyed: meaning they can truly nourish our bodies.

Quite simply, raw foods create beauty in the body (both inside and out) because they are in the exact state that nature provided them in.  Adding raw foods to the diet will detox and ignite your food instincts.

In your opinion, why do you feel there is an increasing shift towards living in a more natural, healthy and chemical free lifestyle

I believe people are seeing and feeling the results of living in a toxic culture and not liking what they see.  As humans, we're not destined to live life fatigued, dis-eased or in a state of degeneration.

Sooner or later our desire to be vibrant, healthy and full of energy takes over and leads us down this amazing track of ultimate health.

What role does organic produce play in the Superfood/Feast movement

Organic is simply a given in the movement.  The pesticide , fungicide, GMO, hybridised crops that are filling the supermarket shelves have shown to be lacking flavour and nutrition, so we simply choose the organic, biodynamic or wild produce that we are lucky enough to have available to us.

Having entire markets full of organic foods is one of the greatest privileges our culture is experiencing, as it allows us to get a closer connection with the origins of our food and make intentional food choices.


Small steps for beginners, user friendly explanations, time to get a trying and incorporating a bit of change in to our lifestyles don't you think?

An enormous "super" thank you to Mason for helping us understand a little bit more of this new shift towards better and healthier lifestyle choices.  Always ready with a smile and happy to answer any questions you might have, you can find Mason and his team at Frenchs Forest Market every Sunday.

Just look for his stall and then take that tentative first step cause once that toe is dipped in the water you will probably never look back.

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