Thursday 22 August 2013

Did you know we sell Equipment?

Given our ever growing number of stallholders at each of our market locations (which you can check out on our website we thought we would tell you about another feature of our website: Purchasing Equipment.  

Whether it be eco friendly food accessories such as biodegradable cutlery 

or bags

gazebo's (& accessories)

Temperature Control 

Bungee cords

even Gas Powered running hot water 

The beauty of this is that there are not only more items for sale but anyone can purchase them.

All you have to do is visit our website and click  on the "Equipment" tab

click "here" visit our website

explore what is on offer, place your order and it's a done deal.

As with any transaction, it's important for you to keep a record of the order details in case any follow up is needed

Saturday 17 August 2013

Sharing some Frenchs Forest Market love with Allie

It's always nice when we find people who have taken the time to share their love of one of our markets whether it be by blog or within the stgram land and we figured, just for a change, why not share a bit of Frenchs Forest Market love...cause in case you hadn't heard it is THE place to be on a Northern Beaches Sunday!

How long have you been a shopper at Frenchs Forest and how did first discover this Sunday wonder

As a new resident to Sydney after recently moving from Brisbane, I am only a new shopper at Frenchs Forest Market.

I was very keen to find a local produce market and a friend of mine recommended them to me so I just had to see for myself how good they really were.

Sundays are now even more enjoyable as I only live a 10 minute drive from them.

Is it a group of solo expedition

Whilst I have only just started attending the markets, I mostly like to go on my own.  I find this is a great time to soak up some sunshine and spend as much tim as I want at each stall.

I often have family coming down from Brisbane and taking them to these markets turns into a really lovely family outing as we can grab a big fresh breakfast and great coffee.

What is your all time number one, can't possibly last a week without must purchase item every market and why

That's a very tough question!  I generally purchase the same items every week as I try to create different meals using the same ingredients, but it's good to change it up time to time.

At the moment however, I would say I couldn't possibly leave the markets without a massive bunch of kale.

My favourite thing to make at the moment is kale chips and it's also a perfect addition to making green smoothies.

Do you have a favourite recipe cooked with produce from the markets that you can share with us

I have many!  I really enjoy cooking with the fresh produce each week, making savoury meals or naturally sweet treats.  After market last Sunday I came home and made a sticky-date pudding: all natural and no sugar, gluten free and very tasty!

You'll have to check out the recipe on my blog for the full procedure (check Allie's blog "here").

What is it about these markets that can not only make it special as a somewhere to shop, but a place to hang, chill and enjoy the moment

Well of course the produce is always great.  The meat selection is second to none.  It's a really great way to just enjoy a Sunday.

There is such a diverse range in foods to eat; have your breakfast made and take some time to enjoy sitting and catching up with friends (or in my case family).  There's always something new to try each week, with a fresh beautiful bunch of flowers just waiting to be brought home.


On that spectacularly high note we say THANK YOU ALLIE!  So as she said (and if you missed it you can check out what Allie creates with the fresh produce bought "here") there is always something new to try each week so go on.....get in there and have a go! 

You never know, we might just ask YOU to share some of your love with us too!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Let's talk Insurance

We may not like it. We may not want it.  But whichever way you look at it, we need it.

You insure your home & contents, you insure your car, and some of you may even insure your pets.  So it makes sense as a trader or performer to have specialised insurance for events such as festivals, markets and even pop-ups in shopping centres.

As the laws are continually being updated (at times appearing to be daily if not weekly), it's even more important than ever to ensure that you and your products are covered should any damage is done (eg: gazebo blowing around during high winds, customers tripping etc).

Some markets offer insurance as part of their package and some do not.  All the same, you are unlikely to know the quality and reliability of that cover and it only lasts for the day.  

So it makes sense to get your own insurance for Public Liability as you just don't know when you'll need it.

As a preferred supplier we recommend netinsure (click "here" to visit their website) for the following reasons:

  • It is accessible online 24/7
  • They have specialised staff who will be able to help you
  • For traders they have Public Liability and for many classes of business, Product Liability Insurance (which is explained in full on their website under the Market/Stallholders FAQ section)
  • For Performers/Musicians they have Public Liability Insurance
  • All their insurance is ACERTA, underwritten by Guild Insurance Ltd (a fully authorised APRA Approved Insurer) operating since 1963

So take at look at their website, read the FAQ's and get covered at their one stop insurance shop.

click "here" to visit website

Monday 12 August 2013

Our Markets from a different perspective

A blog with a difference so this is....we thought we'd spend some time with one of our Manager's and get some insight as to how market life is for for them and how being part of an Organic Market community impacts on their lifestyle.

While it appears on the surface to run smoothly and cleanly, it's definitely not easy work. Bundles of logistics are involved starting at the office with the brilliant OFM'ers who not only take bookings, but make sure everything needed is how it should be leading up to market day for our 10 locations.  

This information is then is filtered through to on site managers seen adorning fluro's (at an extremely early hour), having walkie talkie's in hand, coordinating set up whilst ensuring all boxes are ticked and stallies are set up properly prior to the "official" start where all our fantastic shoppers turn up whatever the weather may bring.

At end of day managers then must oversee packdown, safe exit by the public and the traders, being ever mindful of OH&S requirements being adhered to throughout the day, finally to home where they complete administrative duties and put feet up for a well earned rest.

So here's our 5 questions with one of our Marrickville Market Managers Kat!

How did you first become involved with Organic Food Markets:  Was it initially as a punter or was it head first as  Manager

I actually started as a stallholder!  When a Manager's spot came up I put my hand up.

stallie Kat

Rain, hail or shine managers must be there as well as stallies and die hard shoppers. What is one of the more intricate parts of maintaining the balance when having to set up in not-so-user-friendly-weather

Probably the hardest part is moving stallholders to dry land but keeping them visible enough for the shoppers.  So if you can't see 'em look for higher ground!

What has been one of the highs since being part of Marrickville Market Central

My partners, Sarah, has Multiple Sclerosis.  Dealing with a degenerative illness and being a Carer has some highs and a lot of low points.  We've received a lot of support from MS Australia and we wanted to give something back, and I decided to do the MS Walk and decided to do the MS Run (both held on the same day!)

As part of our fundraising we ran raffles at both Marrickville and Orange Grove Markets. Sarah approached the stallholders at both markets for donations we could raffle off and the response was overwhelming: over $600 worth of prizes was donated.

Having what is often an invisible illness is hard.  Sarah often uses a mobility scooter for long trips but can also walk short distances.  Many people assume she is lazy and often tell her so.  You can't see fatigue or chronic pain but both are incredibly debilitating.

To have stallies not just open their hearts but their wallets to show us support was overwhelming and unexpected.  It still makes me well up thinking about it - definitely a my high point.

Incidentally, Sarah's Scoundrels (our team for the MS Walk and Run) raised over $3,600 for people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Since being involved with "organic", has it now become a way of life at home (whether it be by food, lifestyle etc)

Definitely!  Our bin is never full as we have very little packaging from market products. We often run out of room in our fridge from all the amazing produce and goodies we bring home and we now have two compost bins and a worm farm to deal with our biggest waste : organic matter!

We visit one of the big supermarket chains about once a fortnight to get toilet paper but everything else comes from the markets.

Our carbon footprint is smaller, our produce is fresher and we know exactly how it was grown.  Our breads and sweet treats are nicer and a large percentage of our cupboards is fair trade: increasing our commitment to social justice and helping farmers get a fair go and a fair price...not just here but overseas too.

What 5 words would you use to describe a typical Marrickville Market Manager's Sunday

Hectic, fun, frustrating, community, family


And we thank Kat for sharing a bit of insight as to an Organic Food Markets Manager's Life and a little bit of personal stuff as well!  And we would be remiss NOT to acknowledge the support of all the stallies for the MS Fundraising whether by donation of prize or is a testament as to how much of a family we really are!

even Manager's need to have a meal break!

Sunday 4 August 2013


OzHarvest are deemed (in our books at the very least) pioneers where the aim is to reduce food waste, "recycle" if you will to those who are in need and in a relatively short amount of time have reached levels which even they wouldn't have dreamt of when first starting out. 

Through hard work and simply by not taking "no" as an easy way out, they have forged their way and we are proud of our association with them.  

As such we felt that a segment on their amazing ethic, achievements and goodness should be celebrated.  Come spend some time with the group known as OzHarvest.

How, when and why was OzHarvest created

OzHarvest is a non-denominational charity that rescues quality excess food which would otherwise be discarded.  This surplus food is redistributed (at no cost) to more than 500 charitable organisations and welfare agencies, providing much needed assistance to vulnerable and disadvantaged men, women and children.

OzHarvest aims to Nourish out Country by educating the public about the issues of food waste, promoting healthy eating and nutrition and encouraging ways to minimise the impact of waste on the environment.

Since 2004, OzHarvest has delivered more than 17 million meals and has rescued more than 5,000 tonnes of food from ending up as landfill.  Using a fleet of 20 vehicles , OzHarvest rescues food from restaurants, cafes, hotels, retailers, manufacturers and food outlets throughout NSW, SA, QLD, VIC as well as helping in rural areas with their regional food rescue programme REAP (you can read more about this programme "here").

Thanks to OzHarvest many men, women and children at the agencies that OzHarvest supports, now have a wider supply and variety of fresh and cooked foods, fruit and vegetables and breakfast items which they could not access previously.

In a relatively short amount of time the OzHarvest movement has gained incredible momentum.  Were you surprised how quickly people were prepared to become involved either by way of donation and volunteering 

We are the first food rescue experts in Australia and what we do is quite unique. Therefore as a Charity we are a natural choice for people to volunteer who are either passionate about preventing good food going to waste or who want to help those in need.

Also many "foodies" were quick to jump on board as food is their passion.

OzHarvest is a regular visitor to both Orange Grove and Marrickville Markets.  How did the association between OzHarvest and Organic Food Markets come about

One of our long term volunteers, Leane Senzamici, was a regular customer at her local Marrickville Market each weekend.  Leane is passionate about food and spreading the OzHarvest message, so she approached the market managers to ask if OzHarvest could have a stall there to raise awareness for our work.

The Organic Food Market organisers were very generous to donate a space to us free each month.  Our first stall at Marrickville Market was in mid-2011.

Leane took on the role of Market leader and has worked very hard to build our presence there and is supported by volunteers each month.  We now also collect all excess produce from the market at the end of each weekend.

Organic Food Markets have generously offered OzHarvest a stall at their other locations and we started our volunteer at Orange Grove Market in 2013.

Being a not for profit organisation where volunteers play an essential role, if anyone was wishing to become part of the team, what do they need to do

We have a large number of vollies that support us and keep our service running.  If anyone is interested in joining our team we hold regular Volunteer Intakes throughout the year and will be holding the next Volunteer Information Night on Wednesday 28th August at 5:30pm.

Full details of our Volunteering Programme, including various roles available, recruitment process and how to register for the information session can be found on our website "here"

As consumers what can we do to assist OzHarvest continue their work and assist in its growth

People are able to help by donating time, skills, money or food to OzHarvest.

For every dollar that OzHarvest receives, we are able to deliver two nutritious meals to people in need.

Please visit or call 1800 108 006 for further information.


And with that we thank OzHarvest for not only sharing some time and insight with us, but through their extraordinary efforts being able to reach and assist folk in need.

Keep an eye out for that yellow van and if you have any food or money or time you would like to donate, contact OzHarvest via the details mentioned above.

We couldn't think of a better way to end this article than this:

keep up to date with OzHarvest on:

Facebook (click "here")
Twitter (click "here")
Youtube (click "here")
Ammado (click "here")
Instagram (click "here")