Saturday 30 November 2013

Lisa Brown talks MS, One Tiny Bite and her Soldiers

Having recently interviewed Lizzee McLaughlin (which if you haven't already, you can read "here"), we wanted to have a chat with the woman behind the movement known as One Tiny Bite.

Here is Lisa's story.

Love the name of not just your blog but your way of life.  Can you give us a bit of an overview as to how you came to writing initially, and more especially your unique title

Back in 2011, I was encouraged by the head of a well known publishing house that it would be best if I self-publish my very unique story (as I was an "unknown").  After a long review with my friend Sue about how to direct my dreams, I dried my eyes, wiped my nose on my sleeve and got busy with finding ways to make them possible!

Sue was instrumental in helping me wrap a website and a blog around my book "One Tiny Bite At A Time".  I put my trainer wheels and wobbled my way through my first words online.

With zero punctuation and very few full stops, I managed to punch out some worthy paragraphs that made their way home:  

These words gathered momentum and now they live in a community of ever-growing, healthy, energetic words - all promoting ways of living your best life!

As a person who is living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), was changing to an organic way of life a conscious decision or has it always been part of your every day life

I was not entirely unhealthy prior to my diagnosis with MS in 2005, but there was certainly room for improvement!  I am happy to say that my family was always big on fresh fruit and vegetables.

My mother was the one and only person in the street, suburb and maybe even in Australia to make the non-negotiable switch from white bread to brown bread. 

However after I was diagnosed, I began my serious commitment to purchasing organic produce/products.  It was a little difficult at first because I had to travel far and wide to hunt down every product and food item which I was replacing my old ones with.

Lisa's Green Omelette (you can get more inspirational recipes "here")

Also, back then, organic was not as readily available, price comparative, nor did it offer as much variety as it does now.  However, I was determined not to harm my body any further, so I happily dedicated much time, effort and money to this new lifestyle.  

I credit a combination of organic foods and holistic medicine to turning my health around.  Today almost ALL of my MS symptoms are absent!  In fact, my tests show that my physical and immune health are near immaculate.  My standard of living and quality of life is very high!  Now, with the help of the One Tiny Bite Soldiers, I continue to share my success.

In a relatively short amount of time you have built up quite a following, which in turn encourages others to not only become enlightened about your own personal journey, but your unique ability to "put it out there" in a non-confronting way.  How has this response been for you on both a personal and professional level

I'm so excited about the buzz One Tiny Bite is creating and the genuine interest from all our followers.  Being a part of something that has the strength and support of hundreds of people is such an incredible feeling!

I've never felt more free, liberated, expansive, open, real, authentic, grounded and aligned in all my life!  I am thrilled that the philosophy of One Tiny Bite is reaching those who are seeking to make positive changes (either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - they are all interconnected to maintain health).  I'm really exciting about watching this "being well, hug and tell" website grow!

Now down to some fun stuff.  We know you love Frenchs Forest Markets.  When did you first venture forth and discover the joys of the Northern Beaches most favourite Sunday market and was it a delightfully "accidental tourist" experience or had one of your Soldier's reported back to you about it

I was introduced to Frenchs Forest Markets quite some time ago by my conscientious and energetic cousin, Di.  She absolutely insisted that I come with her to the Sunday Organic Markets whenever I was in Sydney and so I did, every time!

The last time (I went) was when I was in town for One Tiny Bite business and I was accompanied by one of our young Soldier's Lizzee.

We were staying Manly - right near my fave organic cafe (Pure).  Manly is such a convenient place to be positioned.  We were a stone's throw from the beach, the ferry to get to the city and best of all, a quick bus ride to Frenchs Forest Markets!

I HAD to take Lizzee to experience a perfect Sunday at the markets.  I decided to invite (well kind of insisted) our Sydney based One Tiny Bite Soldiers to me us there for an organic coffee, a green smoothie and a group hug!

We thoroughly enjoyed our day exploring all that was on offer.  We are looking forward to our next visit!  We can't get enough!

How would you sum up the life of Lisa Brown in 5 words

Walking towards my best self!

Couldn't have put it better if we tried!  A massive thank you to Lisa for not only sharing her time with us, but also some insight in to the world of the One Tiny Bite world which you can read more about "here" and/or her Facebook page "here".

A truly inspirational person and we look forward to seeing her at Frenchs Forest Markets sooner rather than later!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Sharing some Frenchs Forest Market & Orange Grove Market with Eri

We know that there are many of you out there who don't just restrict yourselves to visiting just one of our markets whether it be during the week or on the weekend and we thought it would be nice to spend a bit of time with someone who is not only passionate about the market experience but who also visits one every Saturday and one every Sunday!

On that note, we would like to introduce you to Eri who is a die-hard fan of both Orange Grove AND Frenchs Forest Markets.

How did you first stumble across Orange Grove & Frenchs Forest Markets

Initially a close friend of mine took me to another grower's market a few years ago.  I enjoyed it so much but because only held it once a month, I started searching for information on the internet about markets that were open every weekend.  Closest from where I live are either Orange Grove or Frenchs Forest and depending upon my weekend schedule, I try visiting at least one of them.

and take it from us, we KNOW that she tries to get to both when she can

We love that you attend both markets when you can and given you are not living within 5 minutes of each location, we appreciate it even more-so.  What is it about each market that makes them a "must do" for you

I just love going to the markets....simple!!!  Distance doesn't worry me one bit!  It's the lively community vibe I get from both markets that I love so much.

To me, markets are a place for an energy booster.  From these two markets I get great vibe, great energy, seeing a variety of fresh & unique produce and because some stallholders cover both markets, I get to say hi to them twice!

You have recently started to document your love for these markets with some incredible photographs.  How do you select what it is you will shoot and have you found from this, your relationship with stallholders has grown to a more personal level

Thank you, it is always nice to hear from someone that they like my photographs.

I don't really "select" what to shoot, it's more about things that caught my eye for whatever reason.  Every week is different; one day could be all about flowers and one day all about veggies.

Yes it has grown to a more personal level meeting people who share the same passion and thoughts.

Do you have a "must buy" at each market, and if so what are they and why

Must buy at Orange Grove

I love Birgitta's cakes.  The flavour spreads in your mouth and all her cakes are made with love.  And Croquembouche Patisserie....their macaroons are just divine.

The flowers are a must stop place for a photo shoot, especially under the early morning sun.

Must buy at Frenchs Forest

Getting Cannelé and tarts from Folie Douce.  They are amazing.  The Chef (Alban) brings an authentic and homey experience...I am a big fan of his.

I also love Common Ground with their Green Drink and green energy bars.

From your viewpoint, why do you think markets such as Orange Grove & Frenchs Forest are an important part of their respective local communities and what can we (as consumers) do to continue to support them

Markets are the place which brings people together.  It's not only just to buy things, it's an event.  You may plan to meet your family and friends at market and then go somewhere else afterwards.  

It's also a place where you are able to buy something you can not find elsewhere and the range of fresh produce is fantastic.  Markets in turn educate communities about the diversity of healthy and local food products.

We must continue to engage with these markets and show our support by buying local.  I also support by taking photos: it sends a message across the community on how great these markets's a weekend must do/stop/look around/shop experience.


While we can't tell you exactly where Eri lives, we can totally state with clarity that we love she travels from her suburb to two of our markets most weekends and that by her sharing photos via various social media outlets she is doing her little bit in promoting that all important mantra of buying local.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Superfoods....a beginner's guide

Many of you may have noticed an ever increasing trend towards Superfoods.....whether it be Goji Berries, Green Smoothies (which are packed full with Kale and other amazing goodies), herbs you can grow at home

or even a humble piece of broccoli.

But what exactly are these foods and what makes them super?

Fortunately we have quite a few stallholders at each of our markets who specialise in this movement and for those who may have heard but not fully understand how these foods work and the impact they can have to keep us healthy, we figured it was time to get some user-friendly information from one of our most popular stallies at Frenchs Forest Market: Superfeast.

Can you explain to us exactly what superfoods are and what role they play in our overall wellbeing

The word "Superfoods" simply describes those foods which contain at least 12 unique health benefits.  In our global ecosystem of foods, they are those which are nutrient dense and contain the most healing benefits to the body due to them also containing medicinal qualities.

For those who may be a little unsure as to where to start, what recommendations would you give and why

This step of adding in superfoods to the diet is going to be different for everyone. These foods are here to be used as tools and allies in helping us to obtain health and life goals, therefore, allowing yourself to be attracted to superfoods which appeal to you and inspire you most will always take you down a great great track.

However, the most fun way to get started is to create a cacao (raw chocolate) smoothie and add superfoods such as maca, goji berries or chlorella into that.

Another increasing (and quite delicious) movement is that of raw food.  Can you explain what raw foods are, their benefits and why we should try to incorporate some in to our daily food intake

Raw foods create the foundation of our diet in this emerging culture of health.  They are foods that have not been heated over 45 degrees, ensuring that the enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins have not been destroyed: meaning they can truly nourish our bodies.

Quite simply, raw foods create beauty in the body (both inside and out) because they are in the exact state that nature provided them in.  Adding raw foods to the diet will detox and ignite your food instincts.

In your opinion, why do you feel there is an increasing shift towards living in a more natural, healthy and chemical free lifestyle

I believe people are seeing and feeling the results of living in a toxic culture and not liking what they see.  As humans, we're not destined to live life fatigued, dis-eased or in a state of degeneration.

Sooner or later our desire to be vibrant, healthy and full of energy takes over and leads us down this amazing track of ultimate health.

What role does organic produce play in the Superfood/Feast movement

Organic is simply a given in the movement.  The pesticide , fungicide, GMO, hybridised crops that are filling the supermarket shelves have shown to be lacking flavour and nutrition, so we simply choose the organic, biodynamic or wild produce that we are lucky enough to have available to us.

Having entire markets full of organic foods is one of the greatest privileges our culture is experiencing, as it allows us to get a closer connection with the origins of our food and make intentional food choices.


Small steps for beginners, user friendly explanations, time to get a trying and incorporating a bit of change in to our lifestyles don't you think?

An enormous "super" thank you to Mason for helping us understand a little bit more of this new shift towards better and healthier lifestyle choices.  Always ready with a smile and happy to answer any questions you might have, you can find Mason and his team at Frenchs Forest Market every Sunday.

Just look for his stall and then take that tentative first step cause once that toe is dipped in the water you will probably never look back.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Double Bay Market: The Best Kid Friendly Place in the East to Be

In a world where there is hustle and bustle and where some may feel they are time-poor, we thought it we would talk about why taking time out to breath, relax and simply to just "be" would be a great talking point.

Even more so, why kid friendly places like our very own Double Bay Market can make it a more special time for you: whether it be grandparents, parents, catching up with friends, kindy outings, playgroups, mother's groups....the list is endless.

But one thing that remains a constant is that Double Bay Market is absolutely the place to be on a Thursday.  What makes it so special we hear you ask?!


It's a place where you can get some amazing organic fare

introduce those young taste buds to something that may have possibly not tried before

chow down on some good grub

relax while the littlies jump out those wigglies

see the expressions of delight with that all important once in a life time "mummy I just HAVE to have a pony ride"

do a little mini-me shopping perhaps

even indulge in a sweet treat

or showing the muso's how it's done with a surprise jam session

No matter which way you look at it, you simply can't deny how important those special times with the little ones are, cause before you know it they are all grown up and out that door!

Double Bay Market is absolutely the kid friendliest, family friendliest, special time friendliest but above all Thursday friendliest place to be!

See you there with bells on and NOT keep it a secret!

It's for one!  It's for all!  And in our books that is the ultimate inclusive practice!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

A September Shoutout

As you know we love to share your love and as it's a new month we figured...well why not do a shoutout!  So here goes....a MASSIVE thank you to

Sophie (Marrickville Markets)

Kirsty (Riverside Markets)

 Gluten_Free_IsMyLife (Hornsby Market)

Dessert Makers (Frenchs Forest)

The Local Press (Orange Grove Markets)

Stephanie (Double Bay Markets)

Thursday 22 August 2013

Did you know we sell Equipment?

Given our ever growing number of stallholders at each of our market locations (which you can check out on our website we thought we would tell you about another feature of our website: Purchasing Equipment.  

Whether it be eco friendly food accessories such as biodegradable cutlery 

or bags

gazebo's (& accessories)

Temperature Control 

Bungee cords

even Gas Powered running hot water 

The beauty of this is that there are not only more items for sale but anyone can purchase them.

All you have to do is visit our website and click  on the "Equipment" tab

click "here" visit our website

explore what is on offer, place your order and it's a done deal.

As with any transaction, it's important for you to keep a record of the order details in case any follow up is needed

Saturday 17 August 2013

Sharing some Frenchs Forest Market love with Allie

It's always nice when we find people who have taken the time to share their love of one of our markets whether it be by blog or within the stgram land and we figured, just for a change, why not share a bit of Frenchs Forest Market love...cause in case you hadn't heard it is THE place to be on a Northern Beaches Sunday!

How long have you been a shopper at Frenchs Forest and how did first discover this Sunday wonder

As a new resident to Sydney after recently moving from Brisbane, I am only a new shopper at Frenchs Forest Market.

I was very keen to find a local produce market and a friend of mine recommended them to me so I just had to see for myself how good they really were.

Sundays are now even more enjoyable as I only live a 10 minute drive from them.

Is it a group of solo expedition

Whilst I have only just started attending the markets, I mostly like to go on my own.  I find this is a great time to soak up some sunshine and spend as much tim as I want at each stall.

I often have family coming down from Brisbane and taking them to these markets turns into a really lovely family outing as we can grab a big fresh breakfast and great coffee.

What is your all time number one, can't possibly last a week without must purchase item every market and why

That's a very tough question!  I generally purchase the same items every week as I try to create different meals using the same ingredients, but it's good to change it up time to time.

At the moment however, I would say I couldn't possibly leave the markets without a massive bunch of kale.

My favourite thing to make at the moment is kale chips and it's also a perfect addition to making green smoothies.

Do you have a favourite recipe cooked with produce from the markets that you can share with us

I have many!  I really enjoy cooking with the fresh produce each week, making savoury meals or naturally sweet treats.  After market last Sunday I came home and made a sticky-date pudding: all natural and no sugar, gluten free and very tasty!

You'll have to check out the recipe on my blog for the full procedure (check Allie's blog "here").

What is it about these markets that can not only make it special as a somewhere to shop, but a place to hang, chill and enjoy the moment

Well of course the produce is always great.  The meat selection is second to none.  It's a really great way to just enjoy a Sunday.

There is such a diverse range in foods to eat; have your breakfast made and take some time to enjoy sitting and catching up with friends (or in my case family).  There's always something new to try each week, with a fresh beautiful bunch of flowers just waiting to be brought home.


On that spectacularly high note we say THANK YOU ALLIE!  So as she said (and if you missed it you can check out what Allie creates with the fresh produce bought "here") there is always something new to try each week so go on.....get in there and have a go! 

You never know, we might just ask YOU to share some of your love with us too!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Let's talk Insurance

We may not like it. We may not want it.  But whichever way you look at it, we need it.

You insure your home & contents, you insure your car, and some of you may even insure your pets.  So it makes sense as a trader or performer to have specialised insurance for events such as festivals, markets and even pop-ups in shopping centres.

As the laws are continually being updated (at times appearing to be daily if not weekly), it's even more important than ever to ensure that you and your products are covered should any damage is done (eg: gazebo blowing around during high winds, customers tripping etc).

Some markets offer insurance as part of their package and some do not.  All the same, you are unlikely to know the quality and reliability of that cover and it only lasts for the day.  

So it makes sense to get your own insurance for Public Liability as you just don't know when you'll need it.

As a preferred supplier we recommend netinsure (click "here" to visit their website) for the following reasons:

  • It is accessible online 24/7
  • They have specialised staff who will be able to help you
  • For traders they have Public Liability and for many classes of business, Product Liability Insurance (which is explained in full on their website under the Market/Stallholders FAQ section)
  • For Performers/Musicians they have Public Liability Insurance
  • All their insurance is ACERTA, underwritten by Guild Insurance Ltd (a fully authorised APRA Approved Insurer) operating since 1963

So take at look at their website, read the FAQ's and get covered at their one stop insurance shop.

click "here" to visit website